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br Conclusion Our findings may help
Conclusion Our findings may help physicians in selecting high-priority patients for bisphosphonate treatment. Zoledronic dgat inhibitor is indicated for treating patients with MBD from any malignancy [1,35]; however, many patients do not receive treatment (especially in NSCLC and CRPC). Although
En la segunda publicaci n Entrevista con don Carlos P
En la segunda publicación, “Entrevista con don Carlos Pérez”, éste un ciudadano argentino ficticio recién llegado de Bogotá durante un viaje por Sudamérica, menciona Z-DEVD-FMK José María Rivas Groot a propósito de su “Estudio pre liminar”, en el Parnaso colombiano publicado en 1888 y los poetas reu
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Expresi n de la complejidad
Expresión de la complejidad de esta articulación de los movimientos de la región en este proyecto es, además, la gestación —de forma paralela buy mg115 los cms, desde 2009— de la Articulación Continental de Movimientos Sociales hacia el alba, cuyo punto de partida es la “Carta de los Movimientos Soc
M s adelante del fragmento arriba
Más adelante del fragmento arriba citado de Memórias, hallamos otro en el que se aborda la cuestión de la insensibilidad. Graciliano la juzga extraña al igual que extraordinaria le parece la desaparición de los deseos sexuales: afirma que todos los sentidos desfallecían. Si son los sentidos los que
br Methods br Results br Discussion br Conclusions br Confli
Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Conflict of interest statement Introduction The origin of a nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) can usually be estimated with the 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) [1–3]; however, anatomical abnormalities sometimes make it difficult to c
Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the decad
Introduction Cancer therapy has evolved throughout the decades and is beginning to branch off into new and exciting fields including immunotherapy. The hope of this new field stems from the lack of success of chemotherapy in general. Chemotherapy\'s cytotoxic characteristics were regarded as one of
In the current era nearly all cases of hormone
In the current era, nearly all cases of hormone-receptor positive breast cancer are treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy irrespective of staging, with preference for aromatase inhibitors over tamoxifen because of side effect profile, survival outcome and tumor recurrence rates [4,11]. In our stud
El otro paradigma cuyo alcance y magnitud exige atenci n
El otro paradigma cuyo alcance y magnitud exige atención particular es la deconstrucción y todo el giro lingüístico que la precede, un enfoque en muchos sentidos inverso RG7204 la colonialidad, aunque no en todos. Sus cauces precursores en América Latina podrían partir de figuras como Irlemar Chiamp
Por sua vez na Nicar gua a
Por sua vez, na Nicarágua, glut1 Revolução Sandinista de 1979 foi resultado de um acúmulo de forças sociais heterogêneas –camponeses, operários, pobres e marginalizados da cidade e do campo, intelectuais e setores progressistas da burguesia– em torno de um objetivo comum: liquidar o governo da famíl
Estes n meros d o
Estes números dão um indício do clima de insegurança, e muitas vezes de terror, que pairou sobre o país no período. Este ambiente foi explorado em diversos sentidos pelo regime fujimorista. De um lado, atribuiu para si o mérito de ter desarticulado endothelin receptor antagonists insurgência e pacif
Conflicts of interest br Acknowledgments This article
Conflicts of interest Acknowledgments This article was supported by grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan (MOST 103-2314-B-010-043-MY3), and Taipei Veterans General Hospital (V103C-112; V104C-095; and V105C-096). We also appreciate the Clinical Research Core Laborat
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According to most published reports, patients with Twiddler\'s syndrome are usually diagnosed due to some type of sudden device malfunction [1–4,6–15]. Early detection of this condition can also be achieved with a home monitoring system [8]. The case presented is a rare one in which Twiddler\'s synd
DMH-1 Pregnancies in adolescents year olds
Pregnancies in adolescents (10–19-year-olds) and in older women (≥35 years) are hazardous for the mother and the child. Despite an almost universal decline in the adolescent DMH-1 since 1990, adolescent fertility still accounts for 11% of all births worldwide, with 95% of these births occurring in
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Induction of labor starting with cervical ripening through the Foley catheter method has been a generally accepted technique and believed to be the safest method to manage pregnant women with an unfavorable ras gtpase because it avoids exogenous uterine stimulants and relies on the local and endoge
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