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Este n mero correspondiente al
Este número, correspondiente al primer semestre del año 2013, se abre con una sección dedicada order Rhapontigenin reflexionar sobre América Latina desde diferentes puntos cardinales: literatura, ciencia y tecnología, derechos humanos, filosofía, historia de las ideas y dos perspectivas del pensamie
br Hacia finales de los a os ochenta y en
Hacia finales de los años ochenta y en el contexto norteamericano, la gran mayoría de las personas que se incluían en la naciente “cultura gay” —habiéndose apropiado previamente de ese término para autodenominarse contra el patologizante apócope de homosexual— eran varones blancos, pequeños burgue
En textos m s recientes Aboy Carl s
En textos más recientes, Aboy Carlés profundiza esta distinción y reconoce que no toda identidad tiene una pretensión hegemónica y propone distinguir entre identidades totales, identidades parciales e identidades con pretensión hegemónica de acuerdo con el modo de procesar la relación entre la parte
To more accurately map the del q and to
To more accurately map the del(7q) and to search for other submicroscopic aberrations, we performed BAC-based array CGH analysis on BM from the accelerated phase. This confirmed an interstitial deletion in chromosome bands 7q22.1-q35 of maximal size 50.0Mb (Fig. 2D). The minimal region of deletion e
br Discussion Over the past
Discussion Over the past two decades, the incidence of second primary malignancy has progressively risen among cancer survivors and is an issue of increasingly greater concern in oncology. The increasing incidence may be due to the elevated rate of early cancer detection, improved cancer treatmen
Osteoporosis was defined as BMD standard deviations
Osteoporosis was defined as BMD 2.5 standard deviations or more below the reference range mean for young adults. Osteopaenia being those with a BMD between 1 and 2.5 standard deviations below the young adult mean [7]. Lumbar spine (L2-L4) and femoral neck BMD was quantified with Lunar DPX-L (Lunar,
br Although safe effective evidence based interventions that
Although safe, effective, evidence-based interventions that Daidzein Supplier are simple enough to be provided at primary-care level exist, provision of safe abortion remains restricted to physicians and often only to gynaecologists in many parts of the world. WHO\'s new guideline highlights tha
Para finalizar focaliza se o hospital l cus
Para finalizar focaliza-se o hospital, lócus de embate desta pesquisa, e recorre-se aos direcionamentos de Donadone, em estudo envolvendo consultores e gerentes no país. Afirma o autor que “[…] é possível visualizar um processo de guerra cultural onde Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), human recombinant
br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgment br Introduction
Conflict of interest Acknowledgment Introduction Several investigators recently showed that the superior vena cava (SVC) was one of the major foci for initiating atrial tachyarrhythmias, such as atrial tachycardia (AT) and atrial fibrillation (AF) [1–4]. Conduction block between the atrium
The GCT usually involves a
The GCT usually involves a cladding that consisted of reactive bone and fibrosis, with a distinct boundary surrounded by soft tissue. Nevertheless, the active cladding is very thin among patients with severe invasiveness, including tumors that extend directly in into the muscle and fat, or other sig
Residing in West Germany also decreased BIS
Residing in West Germany also decreased BIS persistence. In 2015, Jacob et al. demonstrated in 4,915 BC women that the treatment discontinuation rate is higher in West Germany than in East Germany [1]. Finally, our study returned one outcome that requires careful discussion: we found that private he
br Conclusions Wavelet algorithm is an effective tool
Conclusions Wavelet algorithm is an effective tool for the discrimination of tachycardia. However, it is affected by myopotential interference, which can lead to inappropriate detections. Thus, we should keep this drawback in mind when results reveal a Can-RV coil EGM amplitude of less than 5mV.
Seg n Auerbach la parataxis es un modo
Según Auerbach, la parataxis es un modo primitivo y anticlásico de narrar, típico de la Edad Media, que será sustituido gradualmente por maneras más modernas y finas de describir la realidad. No obstante, en fechas recientes ha vuelto purchase Piericidin A ser practicada, por ejemplo por una serie d
Las formas literarias de presentaci n
Las formas literarias de presentación de los textos aquí comentados son distintas: estamos frente a una obra de teatro, dos artículos (o capítulos de libro) y un cuento. El establecimiento de una ‘periodización’ de la historia de la literatura mexicana a partir de cuatro etapas —la prehispánica,
Assim a decis o de avan ar
Assim, buy 8-CPT-Cyclic AMP sodium salt decisão de avançar sobre Lima deve ser entendida antes como uma “fuga para frente” do que como desdobramento de um crescimento orgânico. Mas em seu momento, havia um genuíno receio em relação ao poder insurgente, já que a repercussão das ações senderistas na c
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