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br LEGADO FUJIMORISTA No seu segundo mandato Garc a
LEGADO FUJIMORISTA No seu segundo mandato, García abandonou as veleidades esquerdistas realizando um governo abertamente neoliberal. Embora em campanha criticasse o modelo de exploração mineira em que se assentava o crescimento peruano, praticamente eximindo as empresas de obrigações tributárias
En Am rica Latina los a os noventa constituyen la
En América Latina, los años noventa constituyen la década en la que los reclamos en términos de políticas de identidad en torno buy Y 134 la raza y la etnicidad, que habían comenzado en la década anterior, adquirieron su mayor densidad acompañados por las reformas constitucionales que convirtieron a
Es por supuesto en La raz n populista y en
Es, por supuesto, en La razón populista y en textos sucesivos donde se desarrolla la teoría política del populismo en toda su complejidad Daprodustat Supplier partir de una serie de rupturas que constituyeron el posmarxismo de Laclau. Como el propio autor insinuaba en la obra de 1987, en esta teoría
A review by Keung and colleagues summarized cases of
A 2002 review by Keung and colleagues summarized cases of hematologic malignancy in patients with KS reported between 1961 and 2002 [3]. They described 12 cases of AML in KS in the literature during that time period. Based on the review of the current literature, we found approximately 10 additional
The importance of social determinants on population
The importance of social determinants on population health is widely known. Beyond this recognition, key questions that still need to be addressed include research into how to best address social determinants through intersectoral collaboration. Pillay-van Wyk and colleagues identify this approach a
Although the study is of a high quality given the
Although the study is of a high quality given the constraints of the case-control design, we question whether it alone provides sufficient evidence for this policy recommendation. Observational studies of ITNs are notoriously fraught with challenges. Even in settings in which randomised trials show
Sultan et al retrospectively searched the surveillance epide
Sultan et al retrospectively searched the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) database for patients who were diagnosed with NPC from 1988 to 2006. They compared the clinical features and outcomes of 129 children and adolescents (n and young adults compared with older adults with nasop
Primary lymphoma of bone is an
Primary lymphoma of bone is an uncommon clinical entity and accounts for less than 5% of malignant bone tumors, 4–5% of extra nodal lymphoma and less than 1% of all non-Hodgkin\'s lymphoma. Diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) accounts for the majority of cases of PBL [2]. The varied clinical and h
The work by Fumiaki Imamura
The work by Fumiaki Imamura and colleagues in this issue of is a unique attempt to evaluate measures of dietary quality and their trends in most countries worldwide. They used a wide range of data sources, including nationally representative dietary surveys, local surveys, and foods disappearance d
br An estimated million babies are born preterm annually
An estimated 15 million babies are born preterm annually. Preterm birth complications account for more than 15% of deaths in children younger than 5 years and survivors often have long-term consequences with respect to their health, growth, and psychosocial functioning. The most beneficial interve
Lastly it is equally important to mention
Lastly, it is equally important to mention that the microenvironment and genetic background of the host with a previous history of two independent malignancies may have further facilitated the selective proliferation of a clone with trisomy 11 [9,10], while normal 2-APB suffered proliferative stres
br Indigenous communities experience some of the
Indigenous communities experience some of the highest rates of suicide globally, especially among young people. This worrying epidemic has already been shown in Inuit communities of North America and Greenland and the Amazonian groups of Guyana, but recently has been shown to extend to Australian
The importance of social determinants
The importance of social determinants on population health is widely known. Beyond this recognition, key questions that still need to be addressed include research into how to best address social determinants through intersectoral collaboration. Pillay-van Wyk and colleagues identify this approach a
br Discussion Intriguingly in a case report about elevation
Discussion Intriguingly, in a case report about elevation of skeletal enzymes in ultramarathon runners, the CK level reached its peak value one day after the run, had a ∼4-day plateau, and began to decline after a few more days. The sustained increase of plasma CK in this athlete was quite differ
Two other groups subsequently published further data on
Two other groups subsequently published further data on iPSCs models of ARVC that have improved our understanding of this disease. Kim et al. developed iPSC models using episomal methods from 2 ARVC patients, as well as with PKP2 mutations . Detailed electrophysiological characterization of mutant
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